Sweden - travel, hotels and resources

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Sweden is one of the countries on earth located furthest from the Equator. It extends from north to south at roughly the same latitude as Alaska or – in the Southern Hemisphere – the stretch of ocean between Cape Horn in South America and the Antarctic continent.

The best thing in Sweden is the nature and the open spaces. Being the 4th country in Europe in area size, Sweden still has only some 9 million inhabitants which means a LOT of the land is unpopulated. When driving through Sweden this often comes to mind. For long periods of time, all you see is trees, trees and more trees. Especially in the northern parts. In the middle or south, there is more farmland, but still, the unpopulated areas stretch pretty far here too. But having a lot of unpopulated land isn't enough. Sweden also has laws that enable people to take advantage of nature in a big way.
Total Area 449,964 sq. km.

Some distances
Max. north–south 1,574 km (977 miles)
Max. east–west 499 km (310 miles)

Total population 8,862,000

Population in major cities
(incl. suburbs)
Stockholm 1,643,000
Göteborg 789,000
Malmö 518,000
Traditional Dance - Sweden

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